30 Apr.

WordPress Security

  1. check Vulnerability:  check website  https://hackertarget.com/  -> Online Scanners -> CMS -> WordPress
  2. Eindringwahrscheinlichkeit :
  3. Deinstall vulnerable default Plugins – > Delete Standard like Hello Dolly + Akismet
  4. Installing the Maintenance Plugin
  5. Change the default WordPress Admin User (create other User wih admin rights and the delete admin)
  6. http://www.managewp.com to manage various sites with one click
  7. Updates, Updates, Updates!
  8. Install Wordfence plugin
  9. Scan your WordPress site for malware and viruses with Wordfence
  10.  IP Blocking Feature from Wordfence  (only premium)
  11. install iThemes Security (complimentary to Wordfence)
  12. Renaming your Database Prefix with iThemes Security
  13. Use Backup Plugin