24 May

Cold Runner and Gate system





Cold-Runner Systems:


  Sprue (canonical Shape for easy removal, 3-5 ° angle) ; connection between Nozzle and Runners; highly polished

 2   Runners
3   Gates


  • The gate channel serves to convey the melt coming from the nozzle of the injection molding machine to the cavity with:


  the lowest possible pressure and heat loss,

 2   in shortest possible time and
3   without thermal degradation.
4   In multi-cavity molds, the melt must be supplied to all gates uniformly

 Gate types:





  • location of the gate is the weakest spot (apart from weld lines)
  • not balanced filling
  • Spiral effect: 11, 14, 19, 22 will be filled First and mayshow splays and Mold Deposits


  • wrong position of the gate on the molded part causes the formation of weld lines (meeting of melt fronts) and air traps





Key rules:

  1. runners should stay open until all cavities are properly filled and packed;
  2. runners should be large enough for adequate flow, minimum pressure loss and no overheating;
  3. runner size and length should be kept to the minimum consistent with previous guidelines.
  4. gate should be located in the thickest wall of the part in order to make it possible to pack and compensate for shrinkage by using hold pressure

  5. position the gate so that the air will be swept toward a parting line or ejector pin (where conventional vents can be located)


Runner balancing:

  1. the pressure loss in all gate paths is kept equally by “natural balancing” (equal cavities), but leads to longer gate paths, greater material losses and to larger molds
  2. Alternative different cross-sections , but fine-tuning needed.


Design rules for runner:


   Thickness cavity = T
 B     = T + 1mm
C     = T + 2mm
D     = T + 3mm
E    = T + 5mm
  Nozzle diameter = 1 mm less than the diameter of the sprue
  •  The minimum recommended runner diameter for most materials is 1.5 mm
  • For most materials, the runner surface and sprue should be polished in the line of material flow.
  • Cavities and cores should be polished in the line of draw unless an alternative finish has been specified.
  •  It is desirable to have multiple sprue pullers and ejection locations in extended runner systems. 
  •  When designing hot runner systems, it is advisable to consult the suppliers for availability and recommendations for the correct manifold and drop


Gate design Rules:

  • gate cross-section is typically smaller than that of the runner and the part, so that the part can be easily de-gated

  • start with a fairly small gate since the gate can be increased with EDM using a slightly larger electrode if necessary

  • The gate length should be as short as possible to avoid an excessive pressure drop across the gate. A suitable gate length ranges from 1 mm to 1.5 mm (0.04–0.06 in)

  • Resin suppliers provide usually info about gate design


23 May

Hot runner systems


1 hot sprue bush (electrically heated)
 2  manifold (electrically heated)
3 hot runner nozzle (electrically heated)



  • provide molten material to mold
  • Hotrunners are basically an extension of the machine nozzle into the mold (Pass Through Channels)
  • important that the hot runner system is dimensioned in relation to the shot volume
  •  no hold-up spots are formed (causing degradation of material)
  • controlled thermal expansion has to be calculated for nozzles





  • Sealing is difficult as well because the melt doesn’t have any self- sealing at a gap formed between hot walls.

  • In case of mass leakage into insulating air gaps troubles will arise because of a 10 time higher heat transfer

  • difficulties with color change restrict usage of internally heated hot-runners
  • Thermal expansion of various components needs to be taken into account 



Hot runner types:


externally heated hotrunners:

  • circular flow cross-section in the center of a heated tube or block.
  • The heating elements should care for maintaining the temperature of the melt which means that the insulation to the outside should get particular attention.
  • The main advantage of externally heated hotrunners is a better defined and better controllable mass flow
  • manifold is insulated using an all-around air gap (8-10mm)

a Manifold
 b support disk
c tubular heating elements
d centering pin 
e  heating coil of the nozzle


internally heated hotrunners:

a  heating rod with cartridge heater
 b  melt channel

 torpedo with cartridge heater

  • heating elements are positioned in the center of the runner channel:  heating rods or so called “torpedos” with cartridge heaters inside
  • self-insulation of solidified molding compound
  • inexpensive but difficult to guarantee a safe mass exchange


Insulated Runners :

  • Melt cools to form an insulating layer of solid plastic along the walls of the runner.
  • The insulating layer reduces the diameter of the runner and helps maintain the temperature of the molten portion of the melt as it awaits the next shot
  •  runner volume does not exceed the cavity volume, all of the molten polymer in the runners is injected into the mold during each shot.
  • This full consumption is necessary to prevent excess build-up of the insulating skin and to minimize any drop in melt temperature.


  • Less sensitivity to the requirements for balanced runners.
  • Reduction in material shear.
  • More consistent volume of polymer per part.
  • Faster molding cycles.
  • Elimination of runner scrap — less regrind.
  • Improved part finish.
  • Decreased tool wear. 



Needle shut-off nozzle :

popular due to advantages:

  • good appearance of gate
  • can be individually operated
  • equipped with multiple gates and even no weld lines are appearing between the gates because of sequential opening and closing of the nozzles (“cascade filling”)


  Actuator for needle
a Pneumatic drive
 b Hydraulic drive
c Electromagnet
d servomotor


Hot runner clamping nozzle:

Hot runner screwing nozzle:


Temperature Control:

  • Each heating zone is individually controlled by temperature sensors.
  • If multiple temperature sensors are used in different heating zones, a contour-dependent emperature control is possible.
  • The sensors are combinable with all common types of nozzles,


“cluster nozzles”:

  • For very low cavity distances multi-nozzles are appropriate

  • Multi- needle shut- off nozzles with grouped needle drive but individual nozzle


Starting a nozzle:

1. Ensure “Soft Start” is selected on the temperature controller

2. Allow 10 minutes for the nozzle to heat up

3. Purge machine barrel before connecting to nozzle

4. Slowly bring machine nozzle up to hot nozzle to avoid damage

5. When nozzle is up to temperature you are ready to inject the mold

6. Check material comes out the gate and correct if required

7. Adjust nozzle temperature to get suitable molding (Note: nozzle will often need to run

hotter than barrel temperature to achieve a good result)

8. If the machine is left idle and only a single nozzle is used, (ie no manifold)

it is strongly recommended to gently purge the first shot through the nozzle.

This will clear any cool slug that may have formed near the head.


23 May

Mold design overview

1.Schematic for methodical and planned designing of injection molds:

Good design practice:

  1. Use the simplest possible design.

2. Make full use of standard components.

3. Use tried and tested designs in preference to new, unknown designs.

4. Critically examine any existing samples that have been provided for gate positions,

ejector positions, sinks, distortion, etc.

5. Check with the toolmaker that they have the equipment necessary for the design.

6. Attend sampling trials for essential feedback information and to advise the sampling

technician on the tool function.


Golden Rules :

1. Never start a mould design without all the necessary information.

2. If an established design works well, don’t embark on a totally new design if you can

base your design on the established one.

3. The simpler the design the more reliable and efficient it will be.

4. Always sketch two or three alternative approaches to the design before committing

yourself to the first one you think of.

5. Draw a sufficient number of views so that the design can be understood fully.