About us , Freelance Engineering Services with CATIA V5 , Siemens NX


About us . Our  Company.

 What offers our company?

About us :   Our company was founded in 1999 and provides professional freelance engineering services in the branches Automotive, Aerospace, Railway Systems and Consumer Goods.

  • We are focussed on consulting, design and training with Catia V4 / V5 , as well as Development, Launch-Support and Resident engineer projects
  • We also conduct projects with Solid Works and Siemens NX.
  • A further area is product documentation and Animation with CATIA Composer (former 3DVIA Composer) .

Please have a look at our Skills in detail or see Project references !

Who are we ?

We multiply the Know-how of your team and our input is innovation

About us:   We are a small, well-connected and highly trained team of freelancers and can assist and perform your projects, even for a mid-size project.

Are you looking for a CAD specialist, please find my skills profile in the upper right corner .

To find all the detailed info, please check out our Software skills or our general Qualifications.


Our   Mission .

which challenges we demand to ourselves?


We provide professional support and follow uncommon paths .

Sharing of knowledge and creating a own knowledge base has absolute priority.About us V5design GoTo Top