

Consulting . Digital Product development process

The development + design process of technical products from idea to finished product is in these days accompanied by a number of software applications and support. The usability  of these tools is evaluated by us (Software Consulting).


The digital product development process is the mapping from real development levels to compatible software applications and the resulting digital data.

With the increasing competition the companies are forced to optimize their existing development process. The first objective is to reduce development costs and to simultaneously increase product quality.Consulting - Digitale Prozesskette

Secondly by appropriate methods, the processes can be, especially in the field of CAx-Systems and PLM / PDM greatly optimized.

Finally the already existing consistency within those systems can be increased significantly.


What can we achieve for you in the area of CAx and PLM / PDM for you?

We contribute Know-how and innovation to your project!


  • We develop methods,
  • conceptualize workshops and training,
  • simplify and standardize processes,
  • show your team the efficient use of CAx – systems such as Catia V5.

You can find our previous expertise in this area here:

Consulting CAx + PLM

  • Evaluation and Adaption of VOBES+ (VW Process for Harness Design) for Truck OEM
  • Implementation + Training of Smarteam
  • Development of Methods for Chassis
  • Methods Development Catia V5 EHI + Tubing
  • Methods Development of Link management
  • Workshop- / Schulungsunterlagenerstellung
  • CAD / PLM Process Analysis
  • System Administration CATIA V5
  • concepts for workshops / training

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