06 Jun

WordPress as a video portal

     WordPress can be used for many things, such as wiki, bookmark service and much, much more. Today, it should be important to use WordPress as a video portal.

Preparation and consideration

Features of a video portal are of course a comment feature, function and of course search rate a video. It is of course understandable that one can create not a so extensive video portal like YouTube or MyVideo with WordPress but for own videos just fine. There is also the advantage of this video portal, you can integrate the videos only via embed in WordPress function.

Of course, you can upload the videos themselves with WordTube and play. Thus, you get an own Videportal much closer. There is also the advantage that you can incorporate advertising, which you can set with WordTube. Services like CaptainAd is but also for videos possible, that you get this from YouTube or other services, just make one advertising not itself set.

How do I make a video portal from WordPress?

This is more than simple, since there are numerous video themes for WordPress, I want to list the following:

  • Elegant themes: eVid – an attractive and extensive Videotheme you get with eVid. It includes all the functions that I have enumerated input and as a special feature you can even the darken background – demodetails
  • Woothemes: WooTube – not as many features, there's different theme – demo – details
  • Woothemes: Groovy video – very similar by functions such as WooTube, only completely different construction. -Demo – details

You can see, how easy it is to set up WordPress as a video portal. Maybe someone WordPress uses for its video portal.